Jesus walks on water construction challenge!


This craft is a construction challenge!

In the story of Jesus walking on water, Peter manages to walk a short distance on the water, but when he starts to pay attention to the storm around him rather than Jesus, he starts to sink.  When Peter get distracted by his problems and loses focus on Jesus he can’t keep going.  He needs Jesus’ help to walk across the water!

Set children the challenge of constructing a way, using recyclable rubbish, of helping a stone (which would naturally sink) to move across the water. The stone needs to stay afloat and it needs to move!

You will need: stones, marker pens, recyclable materials e.g. cardboard, plastic pots, tubes, plastic lids, scissors, glue, sellotape, balloons, straws, a tray of water.

There are no rights and wrongs with this craft- only imagination. It is probably best to give the children a time limit and to keep reminding them of what time they have left. Some will prefer to work with a partner and some will very much prefer to do their own thing. When time is up, let the children test out their constructions!

Talk about:

  • How do you think Peter felt when he saw Jesus walking on the water
  • Why do you think he wanted to try it himself?
  • What do you think he started to sink?
  • Have you had times when you needed help to keep going at something that was difficult?
  • What helped you?
  • Have you ever asked Jesus for help?


Pray for people who are experiencing , difficult, stormy times in their lives, where they feel that it is hard to keep afloat.  Put the children’s crafts on the water and pray that those people will find the help that they need.

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